Your contribution will help us to meet our goals to improve conditions of life on Planet Earth with less expensive Carbon Free Power Generation. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
WHEEL ELECTRICITY LLC's vision is to install a power generation facility that will provide all the grid frequency electricity for a small community at a much reduced consumer price and become a regional attraction that will shore up and enhance existing local businesses, create at least 25 new entrepreneurial opportunities resulting in hundreds of multi generation Full and Part Time Jobs and create Career Security for the local residents which will provide a progressive economic future for its residents that will expand out for a hundred miles in all directions or more.
Water wheels have been around for a very long time. Maybe since as far back as 4000 BCE. That's when the engineer Vitruvius created the vertical water wheel in Roman times. They were used for crop irrigation, milling grain and to supply drinking water. Humans would not be where we are today without what water wheels have done for us.
The Water Wheel has gone full circle and now has the potential to make a very significant contribution to the world's desire for CARBON FREE ENERGY. The idea is to couple them with low cost high efficiency generators to deliver renewable power at grid frequency.
For communities in remote mountainous regions, Wheel Electricity LLC, (WE LLC) Run of River, (RoR), Small Hydro Power, (SHP), power systems have a number of important environmental and social advantages.
WE LLC RoR SHP is simple to install and maintain. All parts, equipment, materials, supplies, tools involved in the project are inexpensive and easy to obtain. This is especially helpful in areas where terrain makes it expensive and difficult to build complex structures.
Because the power is produced very close to where it is used, there is no need for an expensive electrical transmission system to carry it to the community from far away.
WE LLC RoR SHP systems are built with simple technology, making it possible for the local people with basic training to maintain the power generation system. This reduces the communities dependency on outside sources of energy, provides valuable local jobs as opposed to solar and wind generation systems. Once they are completed there is no need but for a few maintenance personnel and all that restricted zoned keep out acreage.
WE LLC RoR SHP power facilities require a minimum supply of running water. An easy way to provide the needed flow is to place a pipe in a mountain river and allow some of the river water to run down slope thru the pipeline to the top of the water wheel to make it turn. The tail water is then directed back into the river from where it came.
There is no hazard for any fish that get into the pipeline that feeds the waterwheel. It's like a coaster ride until they get to the pond that the tail water dumps into then it's back to the river they go.
The fundamental thesis for Small Hydro Power as a concept (apart from hydro power in general) is that the impacts of implementation are likely to be modest, thus, projects will be essentially non controversial so that simpler license and permit granting programs are appropriate and physical facilities can be kept simple and functional. Implementation therefore will be possible in relatively short time frames.
Here's some Water. This is POWER. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrCMH6qhu_c
The Overshoot Waterwheel is the most efficient Small Hydro Power (SHP) system as almost all of the water flow is used to produce power. A Run of River (RoR) system, including a stream, river or a pond or lake, is used to channel water to just above the top of the wheel where it is caught in “buckets”.
The weight of the water in the buckets turns the wheel, as the buckets on the other side are empty and therefore lighter. When the filled buckets have caused the wheel to rotate, and has reached the bottom of the wheel, they are inverted and the “tail water" falls out. The buckets then continue around the wheel empty until they get back to the top to be filled again.
Around 90% of the energy carried by the falling water is used in a WHEEL ELECTRICITY LLC, WE LLC, overshoot waterwheel. Another 5% is added in the push of the wheel by the water as it flows out of a chute under pressure into the buckets.
Wheel Electricity LLC designed overshoot wheels gain a double advantage from other waterwheels, such as undershoot wheels. The weight of the water in the descending buckets constitutes the majority of the energy but the water under pressure as it is delivered to the custom designed buckets adds to the overall energy produced. The overall mechanical power derived from an overshoot wheel is determined by the physical size of the wheel with the available “head”, the height of the water falling, so they are ideally suited to hilly or mountainous terrain.
On average, the undershoot wheel uses 22% of the energy in the run of water in a river, while an overshoot wheel uses 63%, as calculated by English Civil Engineer John Smeaton in the 18th century. Technology and design has raised that figure to above 90% for a WE LLC custom designed overshoot water wheel.
Small Hydro Power projects are often created as Run of River and have NO DAMS. Their environmental impact is minimal to the point of being irrelevant yet large amounts of energy can be extracted from the water thanks to the 95% efficiency of a WE LLC system.
Across the developing world there are tens of thousands of possible locations for WE LLC projects each generating up to 15 megawatts or more of CLEAN, ZERO CARBON FOOTPRINT renewable electricity for local populations especially in back country locations where it is needed the most.
Such systems offer operational life spans in excess of 100 years with minimal maintenance. The payback time for a WE LLC Power Plant grid connected system will be about 6 years or less and electricity generation is far more consistent and much more reliable than wind or solar power generating systems since power is generated at maximum output 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
Here is where the power is.
Flutter 20% or less
Undershoot 15 to 20%
Low Breast-shot 30 to 35%
Middle Breast-shot 35 to 40%
High Breast-shot 45 to 65%
Pitch-back 55 to 70%
Modern Water Turbine 45 to 83%
Modern Fitz 1XL overshoot 70 to 85%
Wheel Electricity LLC
custom designed wheel 85 to 95%
1. They ONLY work when the wind is blowing between 18 and 28 MPH.
2.The investment is so great it takes decades to pay off, if ever paid off.
3. They don’t produce enough power to offset the investment.
4. Operation reports will show they don’t work much of the time and the maintenance cost is unconscionable.
5. The 4 acres surrounding each of them is off limits, and access is restricted for safety and security reasons.
6. When they destroy themselves, due to mechanical failure, will cause damage to public and private property.
7. They create noise that is a health hazard to Humans and wildlife alike and pollute the area with noise from the whirling sound from the propeller blades for upwards of a half mile.
8. They are just down right UGLY. They spoil the scenery no matter where they are. Art is Art but UGLY hurts the eyes.
9. Even on a good day they are only 40% efficient, and historically only produce 20% of their designed output.
10. They have and will continue to kill thousands of birds including hundreds of Eagles and bats on a daily basis. Tens of Thousands every year.
11. Is this what we're going to be faced with? Please watch these videos.
1. They ONLY produce electricity when the Sun is up and with clear skies works best. Meaning half the 24 hour day they don’t do anything except gather dust that needs to be cleaned off regularly using millions of gallons of Precious Water, and during some daylight hours they still don’t produce electricity because of cloud cover and storms when power is needed the most.
2. The investment is so great it takes generations to pay off, if they are ever paid off.
3. The cost to maintain, repair after storms or vandalism and damage from rodents is unconscionable.
4. For the power produced they take up way to much real estate on Planet Earths limited surface area that can’t be used by Humans or animals for safety and security purposes.
5. They can reflect the sun's rays into Humans eyes and cause temporary blindness that could ruin lives.
6. They are just down right UGLY and spoil the beauty of Mother Earth no matter where they are installed.
7.They are Only upwards of 40% efficient on a really good day.
8. Operation reports will show insufficient power produced due to maintenance requirements, mechanical failure not to mention atmospheric conditions.
9. To remove a system from the location of a defunct business can cost tens of millions of dollars. There are dozens of these around the world.
10. Hundreds of Birds including Eagles are burned in mid flight as they fly over these collector systems on a daily basis.
Here are some of the Factual Advantages of a
Wheel Electricity LLC Run of River Small Hydro Power Electricity generation facility.
1. WE LLC RoR SHP facility is Beautiful just to look at and admire. Any designed exterior can be put on the Works Building for a theme park embellishment.
2. WE LLC RoR SHP facilities are silent. If there is any sound it’s the sound of the water splashing/ hitting the wheels buckets that drives the gears of progress.
3. All the land surrounding a WE LLC RoR SHP facility is available for use to better the community. No Restricted Zones. Many different types of businesses can be adapted to the theme of the complex.
4. WE LLC RoR SHP Renewable Energy Generation facilities will create hundreds of permanent Full and Part Time Jobs enhancing job security and will create career security as well for the local residents.
5. WE LLC RoR SHP facilities will become a regional visitor attraction highlighting Renewable ZERO CARBON FOOTPRINT energy generation.
6. WE LLC RoR SHP facilities will not create any hazardous material or waste. It is a ZERO CARBON FOOTPRINT SYSTEM.
7. WE LLC RoR SHP facilities will not be hazardous or dangerous to Humans, wild or domesticated animal life or anything living.
8. The parts, materials and supplies will be easy to procure, Made in USA, and will be inexpensive in the realm of costs and minimally skilled maintenance technicians, Legal US Citizens, can handle repair, replacement and overall maintenance of the facility. This is not rocket science and will not require over paid management and staff.
9. WE LLC RoR SHP system is upwards of 95% efficient and that is effective power generation 24 hours a day 365 days a year for possibly 100 years.
10. This high rate of efficiency is accomplished due to a custom designed overshoot waterwheel and buckets, with a computer monitored and controlled Torque Transfer System.
11. Professional Computer technicians, documented legal US citizens, will be on staff and the entire facility will be monitored by audio, video, and hundreds of sensors and controlled by a triple redundant computer control system.
1. Grid Frequency electricity at 4Mw up to 15Mw, FEC max. for SHP per unit.
2. Zero Carbon Footprint power generation.
3. Full and Part Time Jobs, and Job Security for multi generations in the multiple hundreds.
4. Education for visitors.
5. Reduce use, reuse, recycle, conservation of electricity and water.
6. Parts, supplies and materials from Ecology- Green programs, Hemp products, Made in USA.
7. Accelerated economic uplifting- happens in a 100 mile radius or more.
8. Local businesses can expect an Economical Surge.
9. Low cost of Generation Facility installation. Lowest cost per KWH unit of all provider systems.
10. Continuous power production, maximum output 24/ 7/ 365.
11. Energy saving programs thru education.
12. Parts, supplies, materials and legal USA citizen labor/ employees from the local communities.
13. New Businesses in the dozens of Entrepreneurial possibilities.
There is not a single negative word that can be said about either project, WHEEL 30 OR WHEEL 125, designed by WHEEL ELECTRICITY LLC.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions of life on Planet Earth. Your generous donation will help fund this Project.
WHEEL ELECTRICITY LLC RUN of RIVER SMALL HYDRO POWER Unit 469 Power Generation Facility can be running at optimum operation and output in 365 days from ground breaking. It will become a Major Tourist Attraction that will create at least 25 new business opportunities necessitating many hundreds if not thousands of long term Full and Part Time Jobs and will create careers for local residents. This complex will be installed at a location where economic upliftment is truly needed. The community will be a gravitation point on the map that was not there before and people will be directed there because of what it is.
The FIRST and LARGEST Water Wheel Powered ZERO CARBON FOOTPRINT Grid Frequency Power Generation Facility of its kind on the planet.
At the complex there can be a half dozen Guinness World Record Attractions, to include, the Largest water wheel powered electricity generation plant, the Tallest Inland Lighthouse, world record water slides, the most impressive roller coasters anywhere, and possibly the first city to be self sustaining from the grid in the USA.
Wheel Electricity LLC asks you for your financial support to cover some of the costs which will help in the marketing of the project to encourage large dollar investors to get on board. Can you PLEASE contribute a measly $20 for this most worthy project.
Wheel Electricity LLC has a Reimbursement Program. WE LLC doesn't want free money, WE LLC wants to use your money and will reimburse you with whatever you contribute, with interest, at a later date. Please leave your contact information for this program or be anonymous to opt out of the Reimbursement Program and either way I'd like to say to you, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
I would also like to ask you to Please Send This project information to All your contacts.
I'D LIKE TO REMIND YOU WITH THIS VIDEO, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fQZfFy9cFs
If you've gotten this far it won't hurt to go a little further. Check out this water wheel electricity generation facility. Read the story of this historic system. Just Click here.
Wheel Electricity LLC asks you for your financial support to cover some of the costs which will help in the marketing of the project to encourage large investors to get on board. Can you PLEASE donate a measly $20 for this most worthy project.
This Project depends on the Power of the People and it will provide Power to the People. Your generous donation will fund this mission.
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